Thursday, 19 March 2015


A new Radio Station; Radio Chanji has been established by the All Progressive Congress (APC) as online news reports have confirmed today. The new broadcast outfit, which broadcasts from undisclosed locations, has started broadcasting to Hausa-speaking people of Northern Nigeria with 500kw transmitters on test transmission from7:00am-7:30am on 11720khz on the 25meterband shortwave.
The sign-call of the radio is Radio APC, Radio Chanji which according to the party was established to contribute to the free exchange of information in the nation in order not to lose the information war which could change people’s minds and attitudes towards the party. Their broadcast transmission which started over the weekend was received and monitored in Kano, Ibadan, Port Harcourt, Maiduguri, Adamawa, Birnin-Kebbi and Niamey, among other areas.
The programmes which are aired in the Hausa language are in support of the party’s presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari. This is indeed a very troubling trend as General Buhari has been known to make inciting and hate filled statements in the past through the BBC Hausa program that has led his mainly illiterate supporters, to embark on hideous rampage in the North leaving thousand dead in their wild murderous spree. It is therefore very worrying that the APC have a renegade Radio that is unapproved by NBC and freely decimates inciting messages to their supporters mostly in the North.
History has thought us the grave danger inherent in this type of trend, the waves of ethnic cleansing in Rwanda was fueled by Radio Broadcasts. In April 1994, when the genocide started in Rwanda, ordinary people were glued to their receivers. That spring the popular radio stations seemed to have only one aim: to incite the Hutu masses to exterminate their Tutsi neighbors. The most popular station of all was RTLM (Radio Televison des Milles Collines), the Thousand Hills Radio Television. It was known for having the best disc jockeys in Rwanda and for its attractive mix of African music, news programming, and political analysis. Founded in 1993 and owned by family members and friends of President Habyarimana, the station preached an extremist message of Hutu supremacy, but many apolitical Rwandans became listeners because of the music it played. In fact, their hearts and minds were being prepared for genocide. When the killing was unleashed on April 6, it became clear what the owners and managers of the station had created—an infernal pulpit from which the message to kill could be disseminated throughout Rwanda.
Why has the APC and it’s Presidential candidate, General Buhari decided to have a renegade radio outfit that is uncensored and without a known address? The party have continued to threaten Nigeria and Nigerians with statements ranging from ”the blood of the dogs and baboons flowing” to ”this election will be bloody” and ”We will set up a parallel government if the election is not free and fair”, what stipulates a free and fair election to them can only be defined by their parameters. The All Progressive Congress is a desperate and power thirsty party, who would rather cause chaos and mayhem in the country rather than protect it’s unity. At what cost would this power thirst come? At the cost of the blood of millions of minorities in the North who have always been easy prey to the band of marauding illiterate Buharists that populate most parts of the North?
It is illegal for a Political Party to operate a radio station, especially one that operates in a specific language. In Rwanda the radio message on April 7th and 8th was: “You have to kill [the Tutsis, they are cockroaches…” May 13: “All those who are listening to us, arise so that we can all fight for our Rwanda… Fight with the weapons you have at your disposal, those of you who have arrows, with arrows, those of you who have spears with spears… Take your traditional tools… We must all fight [the Tutsis; we must finish with them, exterminate them, sweep them from the whole country… There must be no refuge for them, none at all.” And on July 2: “I do not know whether God will help us exterminate [the Tutsis] …but we must rise up to exterminate this race of bad people… They must be exterminated because there is no other way.”
The message worked. By July of 1994, when the victory of the Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) put an end to the genocide, up to 1 million Rwandans—mostly Tutsis, but also Hutus belonging to the Democratic Parties in Rwanda—had been slaughtered. The radios had been all too successful in inciting the genocide. What they did, which was both to prepare the ground for the killing and encourage listeners to go on killing once the genocide had begun, was, of course, utterly illegal under international humanitarian law, which does not recognize an absolute right to free expression. By definition, most of those killed were civilians, that is, “persons taking no active part in the hostilities.”
Today the structure is being put in place for a similar mission in the North by a political party inciting the Hausa Majority in the North to exterminate the minority, Rwanda was a product of Political and Ethnic incitement of a particular tribe by a particular political party to actualize an outcome that was selfish and wicked. APC is on the war path and would not care if millions of Nigerians perish for them to actualize this inordinate ambition. Just like in Rwanda Radio Station, Radio Chanji is designed to appeal to the unemployed, the deliquents, and the gang of thugs in Northern Nigeria to prepare them for genocide by demonizing PDP, southern Nigerians and Christians encouraging hate and violence.The plan is to prey upon the deep animosities and prejudices of many northern youths. The hateful rhetoric is placed alongside the sophisticated use of humor and APC campaign songs.
Customarily Buhari had always used BBC Hausa to spread his hate messages until some diplomatic issues evolved, now Buhari can broadcast these hate speeches in hausa from Radio Chanji.The fact that this station broadcasts not just in Hausa but in the street Hausa parlance used predominantly by the downtrodden is a most troubling matter. Rwandans did not have history to rely upon as circumstances precipitated well scripted events, today we have the opportunity to learn from the unfortunate Rwandan experience. Two weeks to the Presidential elections, APC floats an illegal / rogue Radio Chanji, that transmits only Hausa broadcasts . The earlier Nigerians rise and resist this irregularity and blatant attempt to promote violence and incite genocide, the better for Nigeria and Nigerians.

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